Conquest Iuventus

A special message from WackyAl....

Conquest Iuventus is at last coming to your screens. Be prepared on Tuesday for the premier of Iuventus at TMUTheatre!

There will be two showings to allow me to be present at one and and to allow most Ameircans to see the other.

First is at 5 PM GMT, 1 PM EST, 9 AM PST, 1 AM (Wed) if you live in Mongolia or Perth

Second showing which I unfortunately won't be attending is at 12 AM (Wed) GMT, 8 PM EST, 4 PM PST and 9 AM (Wed) in Perth or Mongolia (I know my huge Mongolia audience has been waiting a long time for this. I had to get it out soon, the men outside my house on horses threatening to wage war across Europe were starting to become a pain)

It will of course be streaming at the legendary


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