Do You Have The Stamina

TMOA 5th Anniversary 24-Hour Extravaganza
Sunday, 20 February 2011

Yeah, it's 24 hours long, so it's not just a show - it's an extravaganza - or a very long, very ugly train wreck - you can decide for yourself.

On February 19th, 2006, we fired up TMOA radio. Five years later, we're still around. Why? I dunno. In any case, deal with it.

Every year since the first anniversary show, we've done a 24-hour show. Last year I had the hated swine flu during the show, and missed about 4 hours of it, alternately shivering and sweating as others carried on in my place. This year Roger has his...condition...and will be, as he put it, "in and out" during the show. Doesn't matter. We go 24 hours, with or without the hosts.

So what can you expect during this 24 hour period, that begins at midnight Eastern, Saturday night, February 19th and runs till midnight Eastern Sunday night, February 20th?

Easiest way to listen and chat is through Indy Theater. You can also click on the listening link of your choice at TMOA Radio.

  • Lots of guests - lots. We bring them in, we move them out. We don't actually schedule anyone other than the occasional TMOA show host (and hopefully you'll hear from all of them during the 24 hours) - we grab people out of the chat room or snag those foolish enough to text us on Skype.
  • Breaks that this year feature music and commercials from the past 5 years of TMOA.
  • A special 5th Anniversary Introduction, courtesy of RPOshard.
  • Multiple Rednecks Massacre Cinemas, courtesy of Monk and whoever he can wrangle.
  • Plenty of me. Less of Roger.
  • Did I mention there would be less Roger this year?
  • Surprises. There are always surprises. Usually they're just confusing, sometimes they transcend confusion and enter the realm of memorable moments.
  • Chatroom shoutouts galore. And if you're there for all of them....
  • Prizes for those who survive the 24 hours with us. Perhaps not as generous as in past years, but I'll certainly try to come up with something for those who can hang in there.
  • And other stuff - we've got 24 hours to fill, so we'll fill it with whatever we have to. It's not a threat. It's a promise.
Let's face it - you have no excuse not to listen to at least some of it. It's all day Sunday. Whatever your time zone, flip it on and we'll be there.

There may be updates in this thread as the week progresses. Or maybe not. Maybe I've said all I had to say. Maybe I'll be silent for the 24 hours. Never can tell.



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