I'm back, baby :)
8 years ago
10:30AM: TMU TRIVIA - A slideshow presentation of trivia submitted by TMU filmmakers about their TMU films with music sang and or created by the TMU Community.
10:40AM: TMU 20 - A 20 minute show going through the TMU forums, highlighting the latest production updates. Airing any special announcments from TMU filmmakers.
11:00AM: TMUTheater Intro - A quick introduction summerizing whats airing on the TMUTheater and the order they are being released in.
11:15AM: Trailers/Ads - This is the section where trailers and ads will premiere, opening the doors to create hype for any future production.
11:30AM to 1.30PM: First round of featured Premieres.
1:30PM to 1:50PM: Intermission - Use the Restroom, get a new soft drink, pop some more popcorn and get ready for the next round of premieres.
1:50PM to 3:50PM: Second round of film Premieres. Any film 30 minutes or longer will air in this time-slot.
3:50PM: TMUTheater Exit - A nice good bye thanking everyone and reminding people to submit films.
4:00PM to 7:00PM: TMU Music - Music sang and or created by our community members.
7:00PM to next Saturday: Re-Runs
1. Upload your video to TMU and set it to Private. (Caution: If you choose this method, there is not a way to switch it back to private. Therefore, you will have to send Ken or Dulci a message asking for it to be switched back to Public after its premiere. If you do this, please allow them 24 Hours to do so.)
2. Upload to Vimeo. After the premiere, you can then upload it to TMU either embeding the Vimeo player or uploading directing to TMU
3. (Coming Soon) I'll be adding a upload function to the TMUTheater site but it will require that films be under 200MB in filesize.
4. Upload to Youtube. If you already have a youtube account, I can stream Youtube directly without having to upload.
1. No Pornography. Period.
2. All submitted films must be in by Wednesday of each week. This gives me three days to get the content upload and organized.
3. All films submitted must either have a. A production thread that has advertised the film and or b. A trailer that has or is going to advertise the film before its release.
4. When you get your premiere date, you must tell everyone that you possibly know to come and watch online. Even if its your Grandma. lol jk.We want as many people as we can watching your work! The more the better!
5. They must be new, un-seen films unless you are re-releasing it due to changes or a remake.
Do you have Trivia about your film? Send me a PM or SKYPE message with the details and I'll air it on the Premiere show!
Do you have music that you have created? Are you a singer? Send your music and we'll air them during the Trivia Show and during OFF-AIR times. (Send VIA Skype: moonlightpictures or by email: dlwatson@moonlightpictures.org)
Are you going to be on one of the Radio shows? Send us an ad!
Got a contest coming up, send me a video ad and I'll air it on the show.
Want to add a segment to the Saturday show, lets talk on Skype! I'm very much open to creative ideas.
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